The 7 Deadly Sins is a speculative virtual gallery exhibition, showcasing 3 original animated pieces, each inspired by Lust, Envy and Gluttony. The exhibition is advertised by 2 original animated posters.
The animated posters and artworks were composited into a 3D environment to fully simulate the virtual gallery environment.
The 7 Deadly Sins is an age-old motif, explored by artists, designers and writers for centuries, re-interpreted time and time again by analog and digital media. I wanted to re-conceive this motif once more in my own way.
I was inspired by the work of illustrator Giacomo Bagnara and the motion work of ILLO Studio. The common characteristic between the two sources is their fascination with using simplicity to communicate complex information and the shared experience of the everyday world. As a result, I experimented with colors, gradients, textures and blurs in my illustrations.